Stylish Combat: New Bullet Effects

It’s amazing what some new pixel art, a little bit of sparkles, and a lot of technical knowledge can do. Sometimes a little bit of visual polish is all you need to make something feel better, despite no other changes. That’s why we gave all of our cyborgs (and their enemies) a total makeover on their attacks. 

Instead of shooting static images of missiles, our blasters now shoot crackling energy projectiles with unique explosions. Our pistols used to just shoot little green circles, not very intimidating. Now, they fire yellow bullets with trails and impact animations.

Along with raising the quality overall, we’ve also opened the door for all kinds of cool animations. For example, our Beaky Bird sniper shoots feathers! How cool is that! We’re preparing for all kinds of weapons to have unique projectiles like this. Fish guns might shoot bubbles and lasers come in all kinds of fun colors.

Our cyborgs aren’t the only ones that saw some aesthetic improvements though, our enemy projectiles got a full overhaul too! We added a diverse set of enemy projectiles to match our diverse set of bad guys. Enemies might shoot you with spike balls, grenades, or even a giant eye. Of course, to make sure you know what to avoid, all enemy projectiles are helpfully color coded with a scary red color.


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