Check out the recent changes to Cyborg Immortal:

February Update - Better Than Ever!
Plenty of performance updates in January, and new content in the work for February! All this and more in today’s monthly update!

January Update - New Year, New Me!
We’re starting off 2025 with plenty of improvements and some new content!

Android Releases Today!
Cyborg Immortal is available on Android! You can get it now from the Google Play Store.

December Update: Holiday Spirit
We’re decorating the whole planet for the holidays. Check out what we’re up to in the December update!

Open For Business
The in-game shop is open for business! Stop by to see our fine collection of cosmetics and loot tickets.

November Update
Commander C.L.A.W. tells you about her first month training new recruits, and a fun thing the developers are working on in November!

Reporter C.L.A.W.’S Developer Interview
Commander C.L.A.W. gets the inside scoop on what the SB Games developers are up to!

Cyborg Immortal is out on iOS!
Cyborg Immortal is out now on iOS devices! You can play for FREE right now in select regions.

October Update - New Missions!
New missions! New enemies! October is a busy busy month here at SB Games. Find out what we’ve been up to, and what we have in store for this month.

Commander C.L.A.W. here to deliver a report on the dangers (and pretty places that you've GOT to check out) in the Crystal Caves!

September Update - A Special Announcement
The September update, a special announcement, and all the latest from Commander C.L.A.W.

Stylish Combat: New Bullet Effects
Sometimes a little visual change makes all the difference!

Cyborg Immortal’s Return to Playtesting
Cyborg Immortal’s long awaited return to playtesting is here! Expect more tests in the future!

The Importance of Playtesters
Learn about how playtesting helps us, and how we reward you!

Show Off Your Skills!
Read all about skills, the most important addition to combat since guns!