Hey there, we’re Santa Barbara Games!

A global, remote team across 9 different time zones. (We keep our time zone calculators handy.)

Industry veterans who have worked on titles like The Sims, Sim City, and Command & Conquer, hailing from studios like EA, Warner Brothers, THQ, Insomniac, Cartoon Network, Jam City, and Microsoft.

Rocketeers working on Cyborg Immortal, our first title as a team and the project we’ve dreamed of since 2018!


We believe in…


Fun First

Design quality



Santa Barbara, California - Photo by Juan Montes

You’re on a quest: Find that cool, new game your friends were raving about in third period. Lunch money in hand, you accept this quest. You move down the game aisle, scan the box art. When you find it, you know: There’s limitless fun contained in that box.

That game on the shelf (or your wishlist) is exactly the one we want to make, and this simple idea of fun is what we’re building a community around.

We’re not saying it’s easy, but we want to improve the industry by treating our people right. Before you ask, no, we don’t expect our team to put work above everything else. If the team hasn’t added that one “critical” gameplay mechanic before the weekend, it can wait ’til Monday.

Our small team size helps. The virtual workplace feels less like an office and more like a treehouse. Artists post their latest work-in-progress on the company fridge, programmers share memes of rooms on fire. It’s a great time. We make space for each person to have a creative voice in development, especially the bad ideas, so that the whole team can be invested in the process. Most importantly, if we don’t love what we’re making, we don’t expect anyone else to.

That’s where you come in. We’re testing Cyborg Immortal throughout development so we can get your feedback from the starting line. Interested in coming along with us? Want to shape the future of Santa Barbara Games? Volunteer to be a playtester or have a chat with us in the Discord!


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