The Importance of Playtesters

In a way, playtesters serve as an extension of the development team. They guide us on how we should develop our game just as much as our designers do. Of course, we have our own internal QA testers to help us spot bugs and errors, but input from our fans ensures that we’re on the right track.

Playtesting Cyborg Immortal for any amount of time helps us tremendously. From the testers who just log on to try out a new game, to the real champions of testing, those who play the game and give us a whole novel worth of feedback, thank you. 

As a thanks, we’ve prepared four unique cosmetics for every playtester. We went with a space sheriff theme, as a way to thank all of the players that helped us brave the wild west that is Cyborg Immortal’s playtests. And to all of the players that went the extra mile by filling out our feedback form, you’ll be rewarded with an exclusive armor set that shows off your willingness to talk.

Playtesters help us create the game the way the players want it. So along with the cosmetics, hopefully you can feel accomplished that your feedback directly shaped the development of Cyborg Immortal. Without you, we’d be nowhere.


Cyborg Immortal’s Return to Playtesting


A Mini Update for a Mini Map